Document submission

Please follow these instructions for suggesting a publication or the video instructions:

  1. type the document title in “title” field
  2. write the abstract in the “abstract” section
  3. in the “document link” dropdown menu select one of these two options:
    3.1. “None” if a source is not available
    3.2. “custom URL” to insert a link to a document web source
  4. In suggestion field you can add all info not available in dropdown lists (authors, scales, keywords)

After submitting the form, the administrators receive an email notifying them that an added document needs approval.

  1. select up to 3 scales from those available in the “scale” field
  2. select up to 3 keywords from those available in “keywords” field
  3. In “authors” field, you can select the authors already collected in the database as they are REAACH associates or they were already linked to one or more publications. In case an author’s name is not already available, you can enter it at the top of the “suggestion” section (last name, first name); we will add the names during the approval phase for publication.